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emotional conflict中文是什么意思

用"emotional conflict"造句"emotional conflict"怎么读"emotional conflict" in a sentence


  • 情感冲突
  • 情绪冲突


  • Control of emotional conflicts in tourist hotels
  • Were you moved by the emotional conflict of the character in the original novel
  • He showed that physical sicknesses and disabilities sometimes were caused by emotional conflicts
  • Freud believed that dreams are unclear and strange because they hide emotional conflicts
  • In all cases anger performs the basic function of reinforcing the already existing emotional conflicts
  • Death from overwork , known as " karoshi , " has steadily increased since the ministry first recognized the phenomenon in 1987 . deeply agitated , as from emotional conflict
    由于过度工作造成的死亡,即“过劳死” ,从1987年日本厚生省首次认定这一现象开始,一直在稳步增长。
  • For instance , they only do car racing at midnight , and they also try to " close " the roads before they begin , and most importantly , they always respect each other and avoid any emotional conflicts or aversion during the competition
    当初听到刘伟强要拍《头文字d 》 ,也有一点担心,会不会把藤原拓海改成日本的飞车党?可幸的是,结果刚刚相反。
  • " a little bit of circus ropework , sly humour , a dash of song n dance , and a magical final surprise which sees john paul zaccarini rise above a world awash with emotional conflicts , identity issues , unresolved longings
    《舞台报》 “一点点绳上杂技,一点机敏的幽默,一点歌舞表演,还有一个神奇的最后的惊喜,在结尾你看到johnpaulzaccarini从一个充满了情绪矛盾、身份问题、不解的渴望的世界中冉冉升起。
  • For instance , they only do car racing at midnight , and they also try to " close " the roads before they begin , and most importantly , they always respect each other and avoid any emotional conflicts or aversion during the competition . it is all about the car racing after all
  • Art therapy practice is based on knowledge of human developmental and psychological theories which are implemented in the full spectrum of models of assessment and treatment including educational , psychodynamic , cognitive , transpersonal and other therapeutic means of reconciling emotional conflicts , fostering self - awareness , developing social skills , managing behavior , solving problems , reducing anxiety , aiding reality orientation and increasing self - esteem
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"emotional conflict"造句  



"Emotional conflicts and the intervention of the unconscious are the classical features of...medical psychology"C.
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